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Monday, 31 March 2014

Everything You Want

Avatar Credits: Bourbon Arcana

~*The Body*~

Skin: THESKINSHOP (03) (SKIN) 'Bijoux' (Fit) (Soft)

Shape: .Pekka. Claire Female shape

Eye Brow Shape:  Soiree - Sloane Brow Shape

Hair Base: None

Hair:   [monso] My Hair - Elsa/ Pop

Eyes: {D.A} Sinistre - Drowned Blue

~*The Cosmetics and Add Ons*~

Eye Liner: *League* Classic Wing EyeLiner 1 Tattoo - FREE @ SKIN FAIR!

Eye Lashes: Candy Mountain - Fluffy (Link to MP Store)
Teeth: [PXL] OpenMouth PRO Teeth v2.0

Hands: TheMeshProject! (MeshHand)(f) 'Relaxed'- FREE - but only with TheSkinShop skins

Eye Brows: Soiree - Sloane Brow - Light Blond

~*The Accessories*~

Circlet: .::DD::. Nicole Headpiece (gold) @ Serafilms - Moulin Rouge

Upper Arm Bracers: [The Forge] Boadicea's Bracelets, Upper Arm

Bangles: [MANDALA] Milky Way Bangle/white

~*The Ensemble*~

Modesty Top 1:  *League*- Broderie Anglais Blouse -Off White

Modesty Top 2: *League*   Gypsy Tunic -White (jl)

Dress: GIFT FROM JUNBUG!! - Must be in group

~*Props and Poses*~

(Not In Order)

Pose 1: Sari-Sari - courtesan04 @ Serafilms - Moulin Rouge

Pose 2: EP - She's So Lovely #3

Pose 3: .ploom. Crush - 1 Curvy

Pose 4: .ploom. Crush - 5 Curvy

Pose 5:  double take: elizabeth

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Lagertha Shield Maiden

Avatar Credits: Bourbon Arcana

BTB QUOTE- I already covered the tunic topic please see post "Rough Roads" <~Link for quote.

~*The Body*~

Skin: THESKINSHOP (03) (SKIN) 'Bijoux' (Fit) (Soft)

Shape: .Pekka. Claire Female shape

Eye Brow Shape:  Soiree - Sloane Brow Shape

Hair Base: None

Hair: NEW! >TRUTH<HAIR Lagertha

Eyes: {D.A} Sinistre - Drowned Blue

~*The Cosmetics and Add Ons*~
Sneak Peek on lovely Lagertha 

Eye Liner:  *League* Classic Wing EyeLiner 1 Tattoo - FREE @ SKIN FAIR! (Last Week!)

Eye Brows:  Soiree - Sloane Brows #Light Blonde

Eye Lashes: Candy Mountain - Fluffy (Link to MP Store)
Teeth: [PXL] OpenMouth PRO Teeth v2.0

Hands: TheMeshProject! (MeshHand)(f) 'Relaxed'- FREE - but only with TheSkinShop

~*The Accessories*~

Circlet:  [Keystone]  Bru'ella - Black x Silver

Necklace:   *OAL* Infinity Necklace ~ Forever And A Day - For Relay For Life!

Bracers: [The Forge]  Viking Bracer, Right (Wood)

Cloak: Cloak: FATEplay Cloak - Kollo - Midnight (F)(M)

~*The Ensemble*~

The Tunic+Boots+Pants: {KD} Warden of the Wood - Tunic (M) <~ NEW In world STORE!!

~*Props and Poses*~

(Not In Order)

Pose 1: Mien Poses - Pose Worry #2

Pose 2:   Mien Poses- Pose Worry #5

Pose 3:   Mien Poses- Pose Worry #6

Saturday, 29 March 2014

On A Budget - Female 2

Avatar Credits: OceanRequiem 
*Side Note* Joining groups that periodically give free gifts are your most beneficial way to keep an up to date looking avatar!

 "Mark?" said a man.
Swiftly she rose up on her knees and turned her left thigh to the interrogator, at the same time putting her hands behind the small of her back, as though they might be braceleted there. It is one of the positions of brand display.
Mirus smiled.
Ellen flushed.
I hate him, she thought.
But she remained in the position, a common one for brand display. Her wrists, behind her back, were nearly touching. The position accentuates the breasts and, given the position of the hands, is provocatively emblematic;
Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 416

~*The Body*~

Skin: al vulo- Ewa * kinder red brow fairy - FREE - By joining free group!! - Worth it!

Shape: 7Deadly s[K]ins Shape - Free Must be under 30 Days! - NO MOD

Eye Brow Shape: .Birdy. Maisie Brows

Hair Base: NONE

Hair: [LeLutka]-VENT hair - IrishRed - FREE by joining her free group!

Eyes: Mayfly - Deep Sky Eyes (London Fog, w2)  - FREE! By joining free group!

~*The Cosmetics and Add Ons*~


~*The Accessories*~

Collar: Luas Eloisa Collar Scripted - FREE by joining group - Open Collar Scripted!

Necklace:  [LNS SUBGIFT] female key pendant - Free At store!

Leather Bracelets: [LNS SUBGIFT] LEATHER TRIO- Free at store!

Thigh Jewels: ~Soedara~ Thigh Jewel 1 - Free at Store!

~*The Ensemble*~

Bra Top: Luas Eloisa Top - FREE by joining group at store

Camisk: Luas Eloisa Tunic Brow - FREE by joining group at store

Friday, 28 March 2014

Days Like This

Avatar Credits: Bourbon Arcana

The Goreans have a saying, "There are only two kinds of women, slaves, and slaves."
-Kajira of Gor, page 137

~*The Body*~

Skin: THESKINSHOP (03) (SKIN) 'Bijoux' (Fit) (Soft)

Shape:  .Pekka. Claire Female shape

Eye Brow Shape: Soiree - Sloane Brow Shape (MP Link)

Hair Base: None

Hair: [LeLutka]-BOUFFANT Base+ Tresses

Eyes:   IKON Ascension Eyes - Storm (M)

~*The Cosmetics and Add Ons*~

Eye Brows:  Soiree - Sloane Brows #Light Blonde

Eye Liner: *League* Classic Wing EyeLiner 1 Tattoo - FREE @ SKIN FAIR!

Teeth: [PXL] OpenMouth PRO Teeth v2.0

Hands: TheMeshProject! (MeshHand)(f) 'Relaxed'- FREE - but only with TheSkinShop

Feet:  TheMeshProject! (MeshFeet) (f) 'Mid' (l/r) -FREE - but only with TheSkinShop

~*The Accessories*~

Tiara:  [LeLutka]- tiara w/BOUFFANT hair

Face Chains: NEW! [Keystone]- Coronae Chains - Onyx 

Choker: .:MANNA:.    Passion (Chest) (No Glow)

Necklace: .:MANNA:. Elenween Necklace I (L) (Spine)

Bracers:  . a i s l i n g .GAIA -Bracers in Gold @ Old Fantasy Gacha 

~*The Ensemble*~

Dress/Kirtle: *OAL* - Helena Dress M ~ Berry

~*Props and Poses*~

(No they are not in order)

Pose 1:  EP - White As Snow #5

Pose 2:  EP - White As Snow #6

Pose 3:  EP - She's So Lovely #4

Pose 4: double take: silent judgement

Pose 5: double take: weight of adoration

Monday, 24 March 2014

On A Budget - Female 1

Avatar Credits: OceanRequiem 

"Among the Wagon Peoples, to be clad Kajir means, for a girl, to wear four articles, two red two black; a red cord, the Curla, is tied about the waist; the Chatka, or long , narrow strip of black leather, fits over the cord in front, passes under, and then again, from the inside, passes over the cord in back; the chatka is drawn tight; the Kalmak is then donned; it is a short sleeveless vest of black leather; lastly the koora, a strip of red cloth, matching the Curla, is wound about the head, to hold the hair back, for slave women, among the Wagon Peoples, are not permitted to braid, or otherwise dress their hair; it must be, save for the koora, worn loose. for a male slave or Kajirus, of the Wagon Peoples, and there are few, save for the work chains, to be clad Kajir means to wear the Kes, a short, sleeveless work tunic of black leather." Nomads of Gor - 30

*THIS AVATAR COST  $ 51 Linden

~*The Body*~

Skin: .Birdy. Brooke skin ~Pure~ (Sunshine) VIP gift <3 * Join Group is 1 time fee of 50 Linden

Shape: Xanthe's Shape (You can MOD- I did modify eyes) - FREE (Market Place Link)

Eye Brows: .Birdy. Brooke skin - Brow Shaper

Hair Base: None

Hair:  ! SugarsmacK ! Alex/Waffle - *Join Group for FREE

Eyes: [Brixley] Haze Eyes Gift - Blue - 1 Linden

~*The Cosmetics and Add Ons*~


~*The Accessories*~

Head Band: ~Soedara~ Clad Kajira Koora

Armlets: ~Soedara~ Clad Kajira Bracelet-R Free version

~*The Ensemble*~

Top: ~Soedara~ Clad kajira Top ShinyKalmak

Skirt: ~Soedara~ Clad Kajira Curla & Chatka Free version

Nordic Intervention

Avatar Credits: Bourbon Arcana

“ The men of Torvaldsland are rovers and fighters, and sometimes they turn their prows to the open sea with no thought in mind other than seeing what might lie beyond the gleaming horizon. In their own legends they see themselves as poets, and lovers and warriors. They appear otherwise in the legends of others. In the legends of others they appear as blond giants, breathing fire, shattering doors, giants taller than trees, with pointed ears and eyes like fire and hands like great claws and hooks; they are seen as savages, as barbarians, as blood thirsty and mad with killing, with braided hair, clad in furs and leather, with bare chests, with great axes which, at a single stroke, can fell a tree or cut a man in two.
Hunters of Gor, page 258

~*The Body*~

Skin:  THESKINSHOP (03) (SKIN) 'Bijoux' (Fit) (Soft)

Shape: .Pekka. Claire female shape  
Eye Brows: Soiree - Sloane Brow Shape (MP Link)

Hair Base: None

Hair: [monso] My Hair - Khaleesi- pops

Eyes: IKON  Promise Eyes - Fjord

~*The Cosmetics and Add Ons*~

Eye Liner: *League* Classic Wing EyeLiner 1 Tattoo - FREE @ SKIN FAIR!

Eye Lashes: Candy Mountain - Fluffy (Link to MP Store)

Teeth: [PXL] OpenMouth PRO Teeth v2.0

Hands: TheMeshProject! (MeshHand)(f) 'Relaxed'- FREE - but only with TheSkinShop skins

Eye Brows: Soiree - Sloane Brow - Light Blond

~*The Accessories*~

Necklace: .:MANNA:. Elenween Necklace I (L) (Chest)

Crown: NEW PREVIEW! [Keystone] Wildlings Crowns - Golden rope - RARE
*Note Nia has created this amazing piece for the UPCOMING event  Secret Affair that begins on April the 6th!! Keep posted!!

Bracers: [The Forge] Viking Bracer, (Wood)

Staff: +Half-Deer+ Kerfluffle Sheep - Shepherd's Staff (Wear) RARE @ The Arcade March

Pauldrons: Sweet Poison Fur Pauldron - HUD Version

~*The Ensemble*~

The Dress: :[P]:- Wynn Dress [M]:// Brown

Boots: Maitreya Stagioni Xtd Leather * M-L Bistre

Saturday, 22 March 2014


Avatar Credits: Bourbon Arcana

BTB Quote: 
"The Sa-eela is one of the most moving, deeply rhythmic and erotic of the slaves dances of Gor. It belongs, generally to the genre of dances commonly known as the Lure Dances of the Love-Starved Slave Girl. The common theme of the genre, of course, is the attempt on the part of a neglected slave to call herself to the attention of the master. The Sa-eela, usually performed in the nude, as though by a low slave, and by a girl freed of all impediments except her collar, is one of the most powerful of slave dances of Gor. It is done rather differently in different cities but the variations practiced in the river towns and, generally in the Vosk basin, are in my opinion, among the finest."
"Guardsman of Gor" p. 259

~*The Body*~

Skin: *League*  Jen Pale Natural (Cleavage C)

Shape: .Pekka. Isis female shape  
Eye Brows: .Pekka. Isis

Hair Base: None

Hair:  Exile:: -  Dream of Paradise - Blacks

Eyes: IKON  Lucid Eyes - Lagoon (M)

~*The Cosmetics and Add Ons*~

Eye Lashes: Candy Mountain - Fluffy (Link to MP Store)

Hands: Slink - Hands - Casual w/applier

Lip Stick:  *League*  Jen Pale- Lipstick Natural -Matt

~*The Accessories*~

Arm Bracelets: ~Soedara~   Tribal Fusion Metal Wrist Cuff

Arm Bracelets b: ~Soedara~ Tribal Fusion Mix LowerArm Bracelets

Arm Bracelets c: ~Soedara~ Tribal Fusion Rusty UpperArm Bracelets

Arm Bracelets d: ~Soedara~ Tribal Fusion Single UpperarmBracelet

Earrings:  ~Soedara~ Tribal Fusion Earring

~*The Ensemble*~

A Top & Bottom:  ~Soedara~ Tribal Fusion Belly Dancer *Rawiya* Earth

B Top & Bottom:  ~Soedara~ Tribal Fusion Belly Dancer *Rawiya* Glam

C Top & Bottom: ~Soedara~ Tribal Fusion Belly Dancer *Rawiya* Love Lace

D Top & Bottom:  ~Soedara~ Tribal Fusion Belly Dancer *Rawiya* Night Creature

~*Props and Poses*~

Pose 1: .mien. {belly dancer} 01

Pose 2: .mien. {belly dancer} 02

Pose 3: .mien. {belly dancer} 03

Pose 4: [Ca.Co] - Magic Lamp_001

Thank you for viewing! =)

Im Gunna Make You Mine

Avatar Credits: Bourbon Arcana & Twitter

BTB Quote:
"There are paga slaves," I said, "who must please their master's customers in his tavern. There are the girls who staff the public kitchens and laundries. There are rent slaves, who may be rented to anyone for any purpose, short of their injury or mutilation, unless compensation be rendered to the master. There are state slaves who maintain public compartments, and work in offices and warehouses. There are girls in peasant villages, and girls on great farms, who cook and carry water to the slave gangs. There are beauties who are purchased for a man's pleasure gardens. There are other girls who work in the mills, chained to their looms." --Beasts of Gor, pages 283-284

~*The Body*~

Skin: *League* Jen Suntan Natural (Cleavage C)

Shape: .Pekka. Isis female shape  
Eye Brows: .Pekka. Isis

Hair Base: None

Hair: :>TRUTH< Hair - Gaia - Browns

Eyes: IKON Perspective Eyes - Cerulean (M)

~*The Cosmetics and Add Ons*~

Eye Liner: *League* Classic Wing EyeLiner 1 Tattoo -FREE gift at SKIN FAIR!

Eye Lashes: Candy Mountain - Fluffy (Link to MP Store)

Hands: Slink - Hands - Casual w/applier

Feet:  Slink  Female Feet (AvEnhance) M - Mid

~*The Accessories*~

Hair Wreath:  .Enfant Terrible. Forest flowers creme

Circlet:[Keystone] Emika Headpiece *Onyx*

Necklace: NEW from *OAL*  Leaf Gems -Comes with a multi-texture changing hud!

Bracelets: [The Forge]Celtic Bangle @ The CountDown Room

Ankle Bow: :FY: Ankle Bows (purple) @ Luck of the Irish Gacha Fair

~*The Ensemble*~

Cloak: NEW from *OAL* -  Solstice Cape - SOOoooo Many colours!

Chest Jewels: !dM Harpyia - ornamentTop (unrigged) **MIDNIGHT** - Old Fantasy Gacha

 Belt: !dM Harpyia - ornamentBelt (rigged) **MIDNIGHT** - Old Fantasy Gacha

Undies: NEW from *OAL* -  Solstice Thong~ Berry

~*Props & Poses*~

Birdy: Birdy/Alchemy - Spring Babes - Ducky - Night

Pose 1:  EP - Elements #5

Pose 2: .ploom. Dat Azz - 3 Curvy

Pose 3:  .ploom. Dainty - 6 Curvy

Back Drops:
A place for photos? In word?: In World Picture Studio
This place runs on donations. It has many little settings and back drops for you to take photos including
- Ruins
-India Charm
-Swamp Land
-Japanese scenery/gardens
You can also browse the side shops with tips and tricks and poses!

Friday, 21 March 2014

I Love Him

Avatar Credits: Bourbon Arcana

BTB Quote:
The slave is almost always distinctively garbed. She is usually garbed in such a way as to enhance her beauty, and make it clear to herself, and others, that she is a slave. Slave garments, incidentally, are almost always extremely comfortable, surely more so than the cumbersome robes of concealment prescribed for the free woman of the continent. In the typical slave garment a woman may move quite freely, doubtless because there is so little of it.
Rebels of Gor     Book 33     Page 218 

~*The Body*~

Skin: -Glam Affair-  Lucy - Jamaica - Clean G

Shape: .Pekka. Cho1 female shape  
Eye Brows: .Pekka.Cho

Hair Base: None

Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~    Sabra hair - Medium - Winter - The Fantasy Collective - Closed

Eyes: IKON Perspective Eyes - Silverleaf (M)

~*The Cosmetics and Add Ons*~

Hands: Slink - Feet - Flat Feet w/applier

Hands: Slink - Hands - Casual w/applier

Eye Lashes: Candy Mountain - Fluffy (Link to MP Store)
~*The Accessories*~

Circlet: [Keystone] Athia's Crown ~ Golden

Hair Flower:  ~Soedara~ Venustas Hairflower - Left
Leather Wrist/Arm Straps: ~Soedara~ ~ Venustas Bracelets-L

Leather Anklets:  ~Soedara~ ~ Venustas Anklets

Necklace 1:  ~Soedara~~ Venustas Necklace

Necklace 2: PIDIDDLE - My Special Treasures - Rose Petals

Collar:  .::DD::. Steam Collar (purple) - COMMON @ Steam Punk Gacha

~*The Ensemble*~

Camisk:   ~Soedara~~ Venustas Togulae 2 -M-
This Camisk comes with a HUD that you can play with the opaqueness of the fabric! Also change the colours! Amazing, simply beautiful.

~*Props and Poses*~

Prop 1:  EP - White As Snow #5

Prop 2:  EP - White As Snow #6

Prop 3:  EP - She's So Lovely #4

Back Drops:
A place for photos? In word?: In World Picture Studio
This place runs on donations. It has many little settings and back drops for you to take photos including
- Ruins
-India Charm
-Swamp Land
-Japanese scenery/gardens
You can also browse the side shops with tips and tricks and poses!

On a Budget - Male 1

Avatar Credits: Bjorn Wikstrom  - My Blogging Budget Male Avie

The total cost of this avatar: 99L

~*The Body*~

Skin: (GROUP JOINED - 99L) - 7 Deadly s{K}ins - GROUP skin March normal

Shape:   Gentleman Loser - Shawn shape (Market Place Link) - FREE

Eye Brows:   Gentleman Loser

Hair Base: With 7 Deadly Skins (On skin)

Hair: * Dura Group Gift * February/2014 (Black) (JOIN GROUP - FREE)

Eyes: AG. Destiny Eyes / Grey / M (Join free group for monthly gifts!) (Market Place Link -Free)

~*The Cosmetics and Add Ons*~


~*The Accessories*~

Bow: VF Cheapskate  - You hang in the store for 20 Mins to get a free bow

Sword: LR  Corcyrus Shield & Sword - CHOP wood at store for 30 Mins to get a free sword

~*The Ensemble*~

The Assassin Full Mesh: Assassin Mesh Outfit - AssasinOutfit v2

Ta Da a full GOOD looking Male avatar for 99L !!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

The Voice of the Trees

Avatar Credits: Vari Coveria

BTB Quote:
Verna looked down upon me. "You wished to take us as slaves." she said. "It is you who have been taken slave." I looked up at her in horror. I pulled at the thongs. "Shave him," she said.
I fought, but two girls held my head, and Mira, laughing, with a small bowl of lather and a shaving knife, shaved the two-and-one-half-inch degradation stripe on my head, from the forehead to the back of my neck.
"You are now well marked," said Verna, "as a man who has fallen to women."
Hunters of Gor   Book 8   Page 137

~*The Body*~

Skin: -Glam Affair-  Lilith - Jamaica 05 BL

Shape: .::NOON::. Sarah Voluptuous- Heavily Modified over time

Eye Brows: -Glam Affair-  Lilith

Hair Base: None

Hair: Exile:: - Both Rain & Shine in Dark Blonds @ @ The Arcade

Eyes: IKON Promise Eyes - Fjord (M)

~*The Cosmetics and Add Ons*~

Hands: Slink - Feet - Flat Feet w/applier

Lashes: ATIA's Relaxed Lashes - Tintable

~*The Accessories*~

Crown: .:GSpot:. Winter is coming RARE (No longer Available) =(


Bracers: .aisling. GAIA - Bracers Gold @The Fantasy Gacha

Anklets: =Sweet Lies=  -Gold Anklets

Spear: Primus Abani Glaive - (sm)

Bow:  *VF-Mordor-bow-2.61-(Draw)

~*The Ensemble*~
Top: .:GSpot:. Spirit top << MP store Link

Skirt: .:GSpot:. Spirit skirt  << MP store Link

~*Props 'n' Poses and Back Drops*~

Pose 1: IMAGE ESSENTIALS - sexy_1

Pose 2: IMAGE ESSENTIALS  - sexy_5 m

Back Drops:
A place for photos? In word?: In World Picture Studio
This place runs on donations. It has many little settings and back drops for you to take photos including
- Ruins
-India Charm
-Swamp Land
-Japanese scenery/gardens
You can also browse the side shops with tips and tricks and poses!